DCAF develops and provides high-quality, policy-oriented research and guidance products on gender and SSG/R to the international community, in particular multilateral institutions, national governments and CSOs engaged in SSG/R and on the implementation of SDGs 5 and 16. Through its outreach initiatives and capacity development, DCAF shares and promotes norms and good practices on gender equality in security and justice.
DCAF’s credibility as a leader in the gender and SSG/R field is largely derived from its practice-oriented approach, based on its operational capacity and experience and practice of collaboration with other researchers and practitioners.
Opportunities for Women in Peacekeeping: Policy Series
Gender and the Judiciary: The implications of gender within the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gender Self-Assessment Guide for the Police, Armed Forces and Justice Sector
Preventing and Responding to Sexual and Domestic Violence against Men
Gender-Responsive Organizational Climate Assessment in Armed Forces
Gender and the Security Sector: A survey of the security services of The Gambia
Teaching gender in the military: A handbook
Gender and Complaints Mechanisms: A handbook for armed forces and ombuds institutions