The DCAF, OSCE/ODIHR, UN Women Gender and Security Toolkit is a series of practical tools and policy guides to promote gender equality and integrate a gender perspective in the security and justice sector.
The Toolkit focuses both on advancing gender equality within security and justice institutions and how the security and justice sector can help to achieve gender equality and Women, Peace and Security goals within society. Drawing on the past decade of policy innovation and best practices, it highlights what success looks like and how it can be achieved.
There are nine Tools and each one provides a handy, practical resource that sets out effective ways to work toward gender equality – including through inclusive leadership, gender analysis, gender training, improving women’s participation, strengthening oversight, and collaboration with civil society. Each Tool features concrete experiences from around the world - in national reform processes, in international missions, and in local projects.
Each Tool explores why integrating a gender perspective is important, what it looks like to advance gender equality and how this can be achieved.
Reflecting the latest policy developments in gender and security, evidence collected over the last decade and innovative approaches, the Tools:
include a detailed focus on gender-based violence and achieving equal participation of women in security and justice institutions
integrate principles of inclusivity and intersectionality, including preventing discrimination against LGBTI persons
present ways to engage with masculinities and gender bias to transform institutional cultures so that they promote human rights and gender equality.
Each Policy Brief addresses a topical or emerging priority in international discourse concerning gender and security. They synthesize the evidence base and present a series of key recommendations.
The Toolkit also includes an Annex on International and Regional Laws and Instruments related to Gender Equality and the Security and Justice Sector.
How can security institutions ensure equal access to safety and justice? How can they guarantee equal rights and opportunities to women and men within their staff?
DCAF offers a series of engaging, innovative and informative animated films on Gender and Security, designed especially for those working in and with security and justice sector institutions.
All of the films are available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
This material has been funded by UK aid from the UK government, however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.
Tool 1: Security Sector Governance, Security Sector Reform and Gender
Tool 5: Places of Deprivation of Liberty and Gender
Tool 6: Border Management and Gender
Tool 7: Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector and Gender
Tool 14: Intelligence and Gender
Tool 15: Integrating Gender in Project Design and Monitoring for the Security and Justice Sector
Policy Briefs:
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Security Sector and Gender Equality
A Security Sector Governance Approach to Women, Peace and Security
Gender, Preventing Violent Extremism and Countering Terrorism
Gender and Private Security Regulation