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Oversight and Guidance: The Relevance of Parliamentary Oversight for the Security Sector

1 January, 2010



Introduction Oversight and Guidance: The Relevance of ParliamentaryOversight for the Security Sector and its Reform
Hans Born, Philipp Fluri and Simon Lunn

Chapter 1 The Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Principle and Practice
Simon Lunn

Chapter 2 Learning from Best Practices of Parliamentary Oversightof the Security Sector
Hans Born

Chapter 3 The Democratic Control of Armed Forces: The Nationaland International Parliamentary Dimension
Willem F. van Eekelen

Annex I The Powers, Procedures and Practices of Parliamentary Oversightof Defence in the NATO Member States
Willem F. van Eekelen

Annex II NATO’s Developing Partnerships
Rasa Jukneviciene

Annex III Democracy and Security in Central Asia: What Policy for NATOand the EU?
Marc Angel

Annex IV NATO’s Future Political Agenda
Raynell Andreychuk

Annex V NATO PA Policy Recommendations

Annex VI NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA)

Annex VII Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)


This updated version of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – DCAF Vademecum on Oversight and Guidance of the Security Sector, as with the first edition published in 2003, seeks to present semi¬nal information on parliamentary oversight and guidance of the security sector, with a special focus on defence affairs, along with documents developed and passed by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), illuminating the status of security sector reform priorities within the NATO PA and the wider Euro-Atlantic community. The volume underlines the essential role that parliaments must play in ensuring democratic oversight of the security sector, particularly in the field of defence reform, while underlining that there is no universally applicable model for how this can be achieved. While democracies share principles and values, parliamentary practices are moulded by specific national traditions and cultures, nuancing each parliament’s approach to the common challenges of democratic defence reform.


Hans Born, Philipp Fluri, Simon Lunn