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May 16, 2024

How can ombuds institutes contribute to peaceful, just and inclusive societies?

As part of the UN’s 2030 Agenda, SDG 16 promises peaceful, just and inclusive societies where no one is left behind.

What is the contribution of ombuds institutes to achieving this goal around the world?


In this session, representatives of ombuds institutes from the Gambia, Georgia and Kenya will share their experiences and insights that have been brought together by DCAF in two recent publications to support the work of ombuds practitioners on the ground as part of the SDG 16 project.
- "Leaving no one behind, leaving no one unaccountable: ombuds institutions, good (security sector) governance and Sustainable Development Goal 16"
-“The Contribution of Ombuds Institutes to Sustainable Development Goal 16 Through Security Sector Governance and Reform. A Selection of Case Studies


This is a closed event.

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