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Towards a Common UN Approach to Security Sector Reform

1 January, 2007



Table of Contents

I. Introduction
Security Sector Reform (SSR)
UN Integrated Missions

II. Overview and Review
SSR in Mission Mandates
SSR Support Activities
SSR Support Capacities

III. Lessons and Recommendations
1. Develop a Common UN Approach to SSR
2. Address SSR in a Holistic Way
3. Prioritise Local Ownership in SSR
4. Issue Coherent and Consistent Mandates for SSR
5. Adopt an Integrated SSR Support Strategy on the ground
6. Establish SSR as a Core Priority in Mission Planning
7. Strengthen UN HQ SSR Capacity to Support Field Missions
8. Strengthen SSR Support Capacity in Field Missions
9. Provide Sufficient SSR Experts with Adequate Skill-Sets
10. Increase Financial Resources for SSR Support Programmes
11. Promote an In-Country “One UN” Approach to SSR
12. Strengthen Engagement with National SSR Stakeholders
13. Facilitate Coordination among International Donors
14. Emphasise Service Delivery in SSR Programming
15. Measure Performance of SSR Support Activities



Security Sector Reform (SSR) – or security system reform as it is often referred toby developmental actors – is a concept that has gained increasing recognitionfrom the international community. In assisting countries make the transition fromconflict to sustainable development the United Nations (UN) engages in a widerange of SSR activities. Although the UN is only one of a number of internationalactors involved in this effort, by virtue of its mandate, legitimacy, early presenceon the ground and experience, the UN has a crucial role to play in supporting SSRacross the whole peacebuilding spectrum.