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Swiss Regional Police Cooperation Programme in the Western Balkans 2012-2016


The Swiss Regional Police Cooperation Programme in the Western Balkans (SPCP 2012-2016) was part of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation's (SDC) engagement in Southeast Europe. The Programme was managed by DCAF as an intermediary management body.

The SPCP 2012-2016 provided funding to projects that:

- enhance framework conditions for strategic and operational police cooperation;

- enhance mutual trust and common approaches among law enforcement authorities in the region, and strengthen their ability to prevent and fight serious and organised crime; and

- enhance involvement and engagement of Kosovo in bilateral and multilateral police cooperation activities.

Further information can be found on the SPCP multimedia Pageflow, which provides a dynamic view of the programme and its progress from 2012 to 2016.

The short video below also provides an overview of the programme's progress. Finally, more information is available on the SPCP's designated website