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Practical tools for security sector professionals


Whether you're a newcomer to security sector governance and reform (SSG/R) or a seasoned professional, navigating the ever-changing landscape of this field can be challenging. DCAF understands this, so we've compiled some of our best resources. We’re constantly producing new knowledge products, from publications and podcasts to videos and online courses, that promote and improve existing SSG/R strategies.

Check out this resource roundup, divided into three distinct sections to cater to your specific needs.

Police officers and civil society representatives review a train-the-trainers course on
gender equality that DCAF developed for the Colombian National Police. Photo: Jonathan Beker

We've got you covered. Our introductory resources provide a clear and concise foundation in the core principles, concepts, and actors that shape SSG/R. 

Get a brief overview with our short article, SSG/R for Beginners, and take our Introduction to SSG/R online course to learn even more. Check out DCAF’s SSR Backgrounder series, which offers concise introductions to more than 25 key concepts in security sector governance and reform. Once you’ve got a handle on the fundamentals, let us guide you further through essential topics like parliamentary oversight mechanisms, how climate change affects security risks, and the importance of gender equality in the security sector.


Photo: Members of the press and police officers collaborate during a workshop on the
protocol of a new monitoring mechanism between the media and police. Photo: Orjan Ellingvag

Delve deeper! Our intermediate section offers a rich selection of resources that explore specific aspects of SSG/R work in detail. 

Learn about thematic areas such as private military and security governance, gender equity in peacekeeping operations, or the role of the news media in holding security sector actors to account.  Read about how SSG/R relates to Sustainable Development Goal 16, and how security sector institutions can help mitigate climate and environmental risks. If you’re looking for multimedia resources, listen to expert insights on the gendered needs of cybersecurity governance with our CyberTalks Podcast series or take our free e-learning course on ethics in the defence sector.


Photo: Hon. Florence Kajuju, Chair of the Commission on Administrative Justice of Kenya,
holds a legal aid clinic in Meru County. Photo: Moses Sukali

Sharpen your skills and bridge the gap between theory and practice. Our advanced section features resources designed to enhance your expertise and help you translate research into actionable strategies. 

Use the Security and Human Rights Toolkit we co-designed with the ICRC to manage security risks in complex environments or learn how to stay safe online with our Cyber Hygiene course for civil servants. Access DCAF’s guidance on best practices for conducting a Measuring Opportunities for Women in Peacekeeping (MOWIP) Assessment, developing a cybersecurity crisis management plan, and creating regulations for PMSCs. Use our study on hybrid security environments to learn how to tailor your SSG/R approach for complex, fragile circumstances. If you’re looking for some lighter fare, listen to our Donors Talk SSR Podcast, which covers topics including artificial intelligence and the youth, peace, and security agenda.

The Security and Human Rights Toolkit is always open on my desk and provides a constant source of reference and inspiration for new policies and approaches.
      - Senior Security and Human Rights Officer of a major oil company

DCAF has 24 years of experience promoting good governance and security sector reforms through research, advocacy, and programming in more than 70 countries. We are always looking into new and developing areas of analysis and research. So, whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your existing skillset, DCAF’s vast library of SSG/R resources has what you’re looking for. Subscribe to our monthly Grab & Go newsletter to get all our latest resources delivered right to your inbox.