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April 24-28, 2023

OECD Forum on responsible mineral supply chain

On the occasion of the 16th OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains, we are excited to promote the work jointly supported in the last 5 years by DCAF, Switzerland, and the Netherlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which shows how multistakeholder engagement through the framework of the Voluntary Principles in the Democratic Republic of Congo can improve human rights and security in both large-scale and artisanal mining settings.


Join us and a broad range of stakeholders at the OECD headquarters in Paris, on 26 April from 8:30-10:00 (am) for the partner session entitled "How Multistakeholder Engagement through the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Contributes to Increasing Human Rights Due Diligence Requirements".

The panel takes place in the Auditorium room and is in-person only. The panel is in French with English translation available.

For this event, our panelists are:
- Mirna Adjami, Programme Manager, DCAF, Switzerland
- Tony Ntambu, Director of Cabinet, Ministry of Human Rights, DRC
- Eric Kajemba, Director, Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix, Bukavu, DRC 
- Timothée Mbuya, Director, Justicia, Lubumbashi, DRC
- Marie Chantal Kaninda, President, Glencore DRC
- Frédéric Chenais, Senior Advisor, DFA, Switzerland 
- Prosper Luundo Ekyamba, Economic Adviser, Dutch Embassy, DRC

Panelists will provide concrete examples of the impact of the multistakeholder dialogue and partnerships developed in the framework of the Voluntary Principles implementation in the DRC.

Register for the event on the Forum web page
Download the agenda:    EN   |   FR