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National Human Rights Commission facilitates remedy and redress for victim of police violence in The Gambia

National Human Rights Commission facilitates remedy and redress for victim of police violence in The Gambia

In The Gambia, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) initiated an own-motion investigation in 2022 following reports of police brutality, resulting in remedy and redress.

Reports of police brutality by the Anti-Crime Unit (ACU) of The Gambia Police Force (GPF) prompted the NHRC to initiate an own-motion investigation, with evidence considered by a panel chaired by the Commission. The panel found that the victim had been subject to unlawful arrest, violence, and forced labour during his detention.

As a result, the panel recommended immediate changes within the GPF, including that all officers carry notebooks; and called on the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to take disciplinary action against the accused and compensate the complainant, both of which the IGP did. This shows how ombuds institutions can advance SDG 16.3 by facilitating access to justice. In this case, the NHRC also contributed to SDG 16.6, by improving the transparency and accountability of the Gambian prison system.

Gambia (Republic of The)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Research Publication
16.1 Reduce Violence Everywhere
16.3 Promote the Rule of Law and Ensure Equal Access to Justice
16.6 Develop Effective Accountable and Transparent Institutions