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Ombudsperson uses result of own-motion investigation into prison facility to improve conditions for prison personnel and detainees, in Kenya

Ombudsperson uses result of own-motion investigation into prison facility to improve conditions for prison personnel and detainees, in Kenya

In Kenya, the Commission on Administrative Justice-Office of the Ombudsman (CAJ) conducted an own-motion investigation into the Nairobi Remand and Allocation Maximum Security Prison, resulting in improved working conditions for prison personnel and better living conditions for detainees.

In August 2018, after a hunger strike by inmates and media reports of prison violence, CAJ initiated an own-motion investigation into the Nairobi Remand and Allocation Maximum Security Prison.

The investigation identified severe overcrowding and substandard living conditions for detainees. It also found inadequacies in the working conditions of prison personnel, including unacceptable onsite accommodation, a lack of access to modern security equipment, inadequate supplies, and frequent non-payment of allowances.

Based on these findings, CAJ issued 20 recommendations, the majority of which have been implemented, including improvements to prison infrastructure. Furthermore, investments have been made into educational and awareness-raising activities, including classes for prison staff on legal matters and human rights; and for inmates, on their individual rights.

By addressing problems associated with the functioning and administration of prisons, the CAJ has contributed to SDG 16.6, by ensuring that the Kenyan prison system is more effective, accountable, and transparent. Further, the focus of the CAJ on better working and living conditions for prison staff, which acknowledges the link between conditions of service and corruption incentives, directly relates to SDG 16.5 on reducing corruption.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Research Publication
16.1 Reduce Violence Everywhere
16.3 Promote the Rule of Law and Ensure Equal Access to Justice
16.6 Develop Effective Accountable and Transparent Institutions
16.5 Substantially Reduce Corruption and Bribery