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The CECORE delivers Training of Trainers modules on peace and conflict resolution for youth in Uganda

The CECORE delivers Training of Trainers modules on peace and conflict resolution for youth in Uganda

In Uganda, the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) has delivered Training of Trainers (ToT) modules as part of its Youth Peace Champions project, to support youth and local peacebuilders.

For example, youth in the Yumbe District engaged with ToT modules focused on how football can be used as a platform to build solidarity and sensitization to peace. And with support from CECORE, youth trainees in the Kasese District established mobile kitchens and catering services, using these as means to build community cohesion and raise awareness of peace and security issues.

These approaches illustrate how CSOs can work at the grassroots level to actively build community and address grievances and tensions before they escalate into violence, contributing to SDG target 16.1 on reducing all forms of violence.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Research Publication
16.4 Combat Organized Crime and Illicit Financial and Arms Flows