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The CECORE publishes a spotlight report on SDG 16 implementation that supports the development and implementation of an SDG 16 Localization Model in Uganda

The CECORE publishes a spotlight report on SDG 16 implementation that supports the development and implementation of an SDG 16 Localization Model in Uganda

In Uganda, the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CECORE) has launched an SDG 16 Localization Model in the country's Kaabong District, to mainstream the SDGs into local government planning, implementation, and reporting processes at the district, sub-county, parish, and village levels.

First, CECORE and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) conducted a national review of SDG 16+ implementation in Uganda, as the basis for a spotlight report. The report emphasized the need to localize SDG 16 targets and helped mobilize the support of state authorities to develop a Localization Model. Consultations with a variety of stakeholders were then held to formulate and finalize this Model, which was piloted in Kaabong District, resulting in the development of context-specific indicators to measure progress on reducing violence as well as the establishment of a district-level SDG coordination structure.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Research Publication
16.1 Reduce Violence Everywhere
16.4 Combat Organized Crime and Illicit Financial and Arms Flows
16.7 Ensure Responsive Inclusive and Representative Decision-Making