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Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia uses publicly available information to advocate for improvements in the provision and management of security in Mexico

Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia uses publicly available information to advocate for improvements in the provision and management of security in Mexico

In Mexico, the Mexico Unido Contra la Delincuencia (MCUD), has implemented a project that tracks any legislation which transfers mandates for public security to the armed forces.

As a result of the project, MCUD and other CSOs won an injunction against an agreement that empowered the Mexican Armed Forces to carry out public security tasks, as the agreement was deemed not to meet national and international standards concerning the participation of armed forces in domestic security matters.

Latin America and the Caribbean
Activity Report
16.6 Develop Effective Accountable and Transparent Institutions
16.10 Ensure Public Access to Information and Protect Fundamental Freedoms