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Ombudsperson establishes local Houses of Justice in Togo

Ombudsperson establishes local Houses of Justice in Togo

In Togo, a 2018 presidential initiative has led to the creation of Maisons de Justice (Houses of Justice) by the Médiateur de la République (Ombudsperson), to provide the population with fast and free justice services. This localization of the ombuds places 17 Houses of Justice across the country, to address everyday problems including tensions between neighbours, unpaid rent or debts, financial disputes, and issues related to civil registry, divorce, and inheritance.

Houses of Justice send annual reports to the Médiateur, bringing together valuable information about the most common predicaments of justice facing citizens, such as maladministration and bottlenecks in the country's legislative and regulatory systems. Learning from individual cases occurring throughout the country, the ombuds then provides recommendations on structural improvements. These recommendations are intended to further SDG 16 targets, including those on ensuring access to justice (16.3) and developing effective and accountable institutions (16.6).

Sub-Saharan Africa
Activity Report
16.3 Promote the Rule of Law and Ensure Equal Access to Justice
16.6 Develop Effective Accountable and Transparent Institutions