Surveillance services and technologies are under intense scrutiny for the risk they can represent for democracy and human rights. A broad range of private security companies are providing surveillance technologies and services, including surveillance-for-hire services, that are being marketed and sold to government agencies and private clients around the world.
1. Privacy International – Expertise on the technology used by surveillance services and impacts on human rights. (stakeholder: civil society – region global)
2. International Code of Conduct Association – Opportunities and challenges regarding industry compliance with international norms and good practices (multi-stakeholder initiative – region global)
3. Perspective from the industry (region North America or Europe)
4. Government perspective (Switzerland)
The session will explore how private security governance initiatives can support more effective regulation, control and oversight of private security companies that are providing surveillance services. It will also provide key insights on how both the Montreux Document and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers can help achieve these ambitious objectives.