In the Sahel region, the idea of a mediator within the Armed Forces has the potential to offer essential advantages to the military institution in the settlement of disputes. Internal military mediation institutions remain subsidiary, but commitment to this function is increasing. The Military Ombuds is an independent body which allows any member of the military, regardless of rank, to be able to refer to the highest authorities of his/her institution or department to arbitrate a dispute he/she may have with the military administration or hierarchy. Internally, Ombuds institution within the Armed Forces would guarantee all members of the ministry the treatment of potential disputes with their service. It would also offer better protection of rights, an image of modern management, and would thus ensure broader support and greater cohesion within military institutions. Externally, greater transparency and the desire to settle disputes with the civilian population would strengthen the positive image of the armed forces and could contribute to strengthening the relations of trust between civilians and the military. Download our new policy paper 30.06.20 |