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Upholding judicial capacity and independence in the supervision of special investigative measures


DCAF supports the judicial system in Bosnia Herzegovina to strengthen its capacity for upholding the rule of law and individual liberties through independent supervision of the use of Special Investigative Measures (SIM) by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. 
We developed a Benchbook on SIM written by local practitioners in a participative process. Following its publication in December 2020, the Benchbook has been officially launched and disseminated to relevant partners and institutions across BiH. 
It is used as a standard resource in professional training organised by local Judicial Training Centres, in academic courses (Law Faculty, Sarajevo University), and DCAF educational activities. 

This video presents the legal landscape in Bosnia Herzegovina, the use of special investigative measures, the DCAF Justice and Security programme, the Benchbook development process, and good practices dissemination.

Download the Benchbook