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Police Confidence Measures

20 September, 2022



Confidence is mentioned several times by the Police, in their laws, regulations, ambitions, and much more, but what does trust really mean? How can it be measured and understood?

This publication offers practical examples co-designed between DCAF and the Honduran National Police.

One of the fundamental aspects evaluating police reforms in Latin America are indicators that effectively account for the impact of decisions taken to professionalize the Police. For example, the experiences of the United States and Europe are relevant because they suggest incorporating indicators on the trust and legitimacy of police actions when assessing the effect of the reforms.

This report systematizes the process of building a measure of confidence in the Honduran Police, to contribute to the consolidation of institutional policies that guarantee a police service based on evidence and citizen consent.

Some indicators of homicides in Honduras are examined, which show a downward trend until 2018, an element that can be considered positive. Two surveys that reflect confidence in the Honduran Police are also presented: on the one hand, the Latinobarómetro survey, which allows comparison with other Latin American countries, and, on the other, the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP). 

The measure of police confidence makes it possible to identify the strengths and difficulties of police work within the community, and the spaces for improvement in the relationship with the citizens. The latter is understood as a multiple synergies process that strengthens the security sector, which includes crime prevention initiatives, the actions of justice, and even the role of local governments. 


Liudamys Barbara, Sáez Laredo