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September 30, 2024

Heightened human rights due diligence: responsible business in conflict-affected and high-risk areas

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How does your company escalate human rights due diligence in proportion to the severity of risks? Does your company have a plan for responsibly remaining or exiting a particular context? Do your operations or your suppliers require reinforced security? 
To support companies who are grappling with these questions, DCAF is facilitating a webinar for the UN Global Compact Academy Human Rights Series, focusing on sharing practical examples to unpack 'heightened human rights due diligence': When to do it? Why to do it? 
Speaker line-up:
•    Angela Jorns, Fairphone
•    Vicky Bowman, Institute for Human Rights and Business
•    Ben Katz, OECD
•    Jenny Vento, Peru's National Mining Society
•    Marlène Wäfler, DCAF
Moderated by Joan Birika, UN Global Compact and Annie Burdzy, DCAF