Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
1. The Pre-eminent Threats
1.1 The Risks and Threats of Transnational Organised Crime
1.2 The Risks and Threats of the Proliferation of WMD
1.3 The Risks and Threats of Transnational Terrorism
2. What Is Intelligence?
2.1 How Is Intelligence Produced?
2.2 What Types of Intelligence Services Are There?
2.3 What Are the Problems for, and the Limits of, Intelligence?
2.4 Why Is Intelligence Important for Fighting the Pre-Eminent Threats?
3. The Application of Intelligence and the Contributions ofIntelligence-led Operations to Fighting the Pre-eminent Threats
3.1 Intelligence-led Policing
3.2 Criminal Intelligence Analysis
3.3 Intelligence-led Counter-trafficking
3.4 The Contributions of Intelligence-led Operations to the FightAgainst the Pre-eminent Threats
3.5 New Ways of Combating Organised Crime
4. Patterns and Problems of Intelligence Cooperation
4.1 Intelligence and Law Enforcement Cooperation
4.2 Cooperation With and Within the EU
5. Intelligence-led Operations and Democratic Oversight
5.1 The Need for Tighter Democratic Control, Supervision and Oversight
5.2 The Problems Accruing to Democratic Control, Oversight andAccountability
5.3 Clear Redefinition of Accountability
5.4 Executive Control and Supervision
5.5 Reinforcing the Checking Mechanisms Outside the Executive
5.6 Improved Complaints Mechanisms
6. Key Recommendations
7. Select Bibliography
This paper discusses the role of intelligence, intelligence services and intelligence-led operations as crucial components of the efforts to counter the new risks,dangers and threats to states and their population. These risks include the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the threats posed by non-state actors such as transnational terrorism and in particular transnational organised crime (TOC).