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The Complaint-Handling System and Civilian Oversight of the Palestinian Security Sector

18 October, 2016


This working paper aims to support the ongoing efforts of the Palestinian executive authorities, security forces, independent institutions, civil society organisations (CSOs) and the media to strengthen the Palestinian complaints system. It identifies deficits in the complaints system of the Palestinian security sector and proposes recommendations to rectify them. It particularly stresses the need to improve coordination between the vast number of complaints units and calls for greater clarity on the role of civil society and the media. It hopes to raise awareness for these issues among Palestinian decision-makers and citizens and international actors.

When fully functioning, the complaint handling system can be an effective source of information for the government to improve its performance and develop its services.

The paper builds upon the discussions of the complaints working group, consisting of Palestinian government officials and representatives of the security forces, civil society and the media. DCAF presented the recommendations to senior Palestinian decision-makers in late September 2016, providing these with cases of international best practice.


Mahmoud Alawna, Nora-Elise Beck, Vlatko Cvrtila, Fatima Itawi, Sasa Jankovic, Arnold Luethold, Frederic Maio, Felix Tusa