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Bridging the Distance – Lessons Learnt from a Bottom-up Approach to Gender and Security in Colombia

6 September, 2021



"In a context marked by violent disputes between illegal armed groups to fill the power vacuum left by the FARC-EP, along with the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the security and wellbeing of women and girls, it remains vital to intensify efforts to address their security needs."

The purpose of this study is to outline the lessons learnt identified by DCAF and its Colombian partner, Corporación de Investigación y Acción Social y Económica (CIASE) from a set of projects “Promoting and implementing spaces of dialogue on security priorities for rural women in Colombia - Phase I and Phase II” carried out in 11 rural regions of Colombia on Security Sector Reform with a gender sensitive perspective.

This study includes a brief description of the national context, the approach and strategies implemented, the preliminary results, and the steps forward.