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Security Sector Reform and Gender (Tool 1)

1 January, 2008




1. Introduction
2. What is security sector reform?
3. What is gender?
4. Gender strategies for security sector reform
4.1 Gender mainstreaming
4.2 Promoting the equal participation of men and women
5. Why is gender important to security sector reform?
5.1 Local ownership
5.2 Effective service delivery
5.3 Oversight and accountability of the security sector
6. How can gender issues be integrated into security sector reform?
6.1 Gender-responsive SSR policy
6.2 Gender-responsive SSR programme cycle
 - SSR assessment
 - SSR design and planning
 - SSR implementation
 - SSR monitoring and evaluation
7. Integrating gender into SSR in specific contexts
7.1 Post-conflict countries
7.2 Transitional countries
7.3 Developing countries
7.4 Developed countries
8. Key recommendations
9. Additional resources


This tool is designed to provide a basic introduction to SSR and gender issues for the staff of national governments (including in donor countries), security sector institutions, and regional and international organisations, responsible for the development of SSR policy and programming. Civil society organisations, academics and researchers working on gender and security matters will also find it useful. The tool includes:

- An introduction to SSR and gender
- The rationale for why integrating gender issues strengthens SSR processes
- Practical ways of integrating gender into SSR policy and programme cycles
- An overview of specific gender and SSR issues in post-conflict, transitional, developing and developed country contexts.