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P-CVE First Line e-learning course


Radicalisation, which may lead to extremism, violent extremism or terrorism, has overwhelmed the political agenda in Europe during the last couple of years. It has also been brought to the agenda of the Western Balkan countries and their authorities, who invest in capacity-building and police reform as part of fulfilling EU pre-accession conditions and other international commitments.

This e-learning course was prepared in order to support policymakers and practitioners with as much information as possible on the contemporary phenomena of radicalisation that may lead to violent extremism or terrorism, with a specific orientation on the Western Balkan region. It does not prescribe a certain solution. It attempts to offer a useful overview of good practices and elements that may prove useful in the further efforts of the Western Balkan authorities.

The course offers four modules and is based on operational experience. Each module offers specific information about an aspect related to the P-CVE:  

- Module 1 provides an understanding of the basic concepts and definitions related to the P-CVE;
- Module 2 provides an overview of the strategic framework;
- Module 3 introduces the concept of the ‘whole-of-society’ approach to the P-CVE and specifies the tools that are available for tackling the phenomenon of radicalisation on the state and local level;
- Module 4 offers specific information for each of the first-line practitioners and stakeholders on recognizing and properly engaging in the process of radicalisation.

In addition to the four modules, you can review some of the practical examples, which will provide you with additional, practical, examples of P-CVE. You can also decide to pursue a certification on completion of the e-learning course by taking and successfully passing a test.

Click here to access the P-CVE First Line e-learning course