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Police Assistance Programme



The Police Programme implements projects in the following areas: building police integrity and fighting corruption, strengthening regional police cooperation to combat organized crime, training in border security management and building strategic and operational reform capacities. The Programme aims to supports national stakeholders in their development of sustainable policing capacities. The Programme also promotes the application of modern democratic policing principles and international standards and best practices in all project areas.

The Program provides guidance, expert support, training and mentoring to law enforcement officials and other state and non-state actors, aimed at enhancing their own personal and organizational capacities. The Program develops knowledge products tailored to the needs of its stakeholders.



Police Assistance Project on Strategic Reform Capacities of the NPU (PSRC - NPU);

Regional Police Cooperation and Integrity Building in the Western Balkans (PCIB);

Support to the OSCE/Border Security Management College (OSCE-BSMC);

Police Integrity Building Programme (PIBP)